About Us

Who We Are

Canyon was born from a small group of friends who shared a singular purpose to form a non-denominational Christian church, by God's grace, which would minister to the greater Kingman area and beyond.

Planted in 1999, today Canyon celebrates its 25th anniversary serving the physical and spiritual needs of the community we call home.

Canyon Community Church

Weekly Gatherings

Small Groups:

  • Sunday 4 p.m. at CCC 
  • Tuesday 10:00 a.m. at CCC
  • M.A.S.H. prayer ministry second Saturday each month at 9 a.m. at CCC

Sunday Morning Worship

10:30 a.m. (A cry room is adjacent to the worship center for your convenience.)

Kid's Canyon K-5 (Children's Sunday School)

Our Philosophy

Faith is more than what happens on Sunday mornings. It's a part of who we are, inside and out. At Canyon, we believe in living a life that embodies the Spirit of Christ.

As such, we strive for personal Christian maturity and seek to serve our community "to the ends of the earth."